What do you do if school isn’t a good fit for your child?
The opening of Blake Boles’ new book, Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School? might seem a bit opportunistic given the current state of public education enacted by pandemic policies. However, not only has this book been in the works long before COVID became common vernacular (I can show you my receipt that I pre-ordered in January) but this is a topic near & dear to Boles for nearly two decades. Additionally, what the closing of local public schools has brought to light is something that many students and their parents* have been feeling for years, even decades. Conventional schooling is not the best option for every child or every family, and in some respects can be downright dangerous – mentally, physically, and educationally.

What I like best about this book is that Boles doesn’t spend a lot of time pointing out all the flaws in conventional schooling. This book’s primary audience is those who are seeking out what options might work best for their particular child and family dynamic. There are pros & cons to each and I think Boles does a fantastic job of acknowledging limitations and helping parents narrow down what might provide the best fit. He also addresses many of the misconceptions and concerns parents may have like:
- That doesn’t look like learning
- Are they happy
- Cost
- What about working parents
- How they go to college
- How they get a job
Boles provides anecdotes from current & “graduated” self-directed learners, studies, survey results, and abundant resource material. Even as a seasoned Unschooling family (our children are currently 15 & 17 and have never been to school), I still found myself gaining a new perspective on topics as well as additional confirmation that our personal observations/experiences hold true for other families. I’ve added new books to my wishlist and my highlighter is almost empty capturing the wisdom imparted. I know you’ll be seeing quotes from this book shared regularly.
What continually comes through is immense respect for children and young adults as humans worthy of respect, their identity, and ownership of their own goals.
You can learn more about Blake Boles on his website or you can follow him on Facebook. Listing of where you can purchase Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids To School?
*I use the term parents for simplicity – but please know that I acknowledge the myriad of adults that act as guardians & facilitators in young people’s lives.
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