About Texas Unschoolers


We’re happy you’ve found us and we look forward to supporting & encouraging you as you learn more about Unschooling, specifically the nuances of Unschooling in Texas.

More than a decade ago, Michelle Conaway recognized the need to connect like-minded families across our HUGE State. Texas Unschoolers was born! Along with her husband, Stacy, Michelle expanded and transitioned what began as a Yahoo group into this website, social media, and the Texas Unschoolers Conference.

In 2020 Michelle & Stacy stepped back and Rachel Miller took over admin of the Texas Unschoolers website, social media, Facebook group, and TexUns Conference. We invite you to learn more about everyone who volunteers their time and talents to Texas Unschoolers on our Contributors page.

We are 100% volunteer run. There’s no membership fees. Our group is free as are any chats or lives that we host. The only thing we ever charge money for is the TexUns Conference and we’ve been very careful to price it so that the “revenue” is equal to what it costs us to host it. (We don’t even remunerate ourselves for the hundreds of hours of work it takes to coordinate it.) We don’t use affiliate links or have any other kind of advertising revenue.

If you’ve just discovered Unschooling or want to learn more check out New Unschoolers.

To dive deeper, visit our FAQ page.

If you’re looking to connect with other Unschoolers, either online or in-person, visit Support and Community.

For answers to common concerns we think you’ll find What About… ? useful.

Unschooling & Learning Quotes provide inspiration and reassurance.