Reluctant Partner/Spouse

Whew! You’ve been reading, listening to podcasts, chatting with other Unschoolers and you’re ready to dive in. You’ve started implementing some Unschooling principles and all of a sudden your child’s other parent, your partner or spouse, or maybe the grandparents you’re living with want to put the breaks on everything. Or demand that you “show your work”.

We believe that having a good/peaceful/amicable relationship with your partner/spouse, a non-custodial parent, or other close relative is just as important as Unschooling.

(This is different than defending your choices to distant relatives, acquaintances, or random strangers – see Convincing Others.)

Sometimes it can be as simple as helping them “see” what is happening throughout the day. Texting pictures of projects, field trips, baking, traveling, etc. can help loved ones feel included. Keeping a blog, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media can help you reach everyone at the same time. (Some thoughts on Respecting Our Children’s Boundaries while sharing their activities.)

Our How do they learn… ? (reading, spelling, math, etc.) page may also help you share how our Unschooler’s daily activities are meaningful.

More resources regarding reluctant partners & spouses:

Helping Resistant Spouses curated by Sandra Dodd

Reluctant Spouse to Unschooling Advocate with Zach & Heather Lake on the Exploring Unschooling podcast with Pam Laricchia/Living Joyfully.

While it’s presumptive, generally it’s the Dads that need help understanding Unschooling better. Here are some resources specifically for them as well as Unschooling Dads on social media they might like to follow:

Resources for Dads curated by Pam Laricchia

Unschool Dad

Unschool Days

Cam & Jaiden’s Excellent Adventure

The Bob Mahan Experience (more than just Unschooling)

When I join people that I suspect will find what we do curious, I come with stories that share the joy and wonder of living and learning this way. Look for lots of little moments that you can turn into stories to share. As your own personal storybook grows, so will your confidence and peace of mind about your choices.

Karen James